All detail about SSC CGL : posts, merit, demerit, salary calculator, head offices


Here is all detail about ssc cgl exam related to post and their merit, demerit, in hand and gross salary, head offices. This article is written in mixed language of hindi and English by which everyone can understand well. The information provided below is collected from the various source and official website of SSC. So read it and know all about SSC CGL.

Preventive Officer (Customs Officer)

The next promotion of preventive officer is superintendent of customs which is a gazetted post…it takes around 7-10 years to get the first promotion…and then next promotion of supdt. of customs is assistant commissioner i.e. IRS…however the second promotion takes a lot of time…and some people don’t even get the second promotion!!

preventive officer is a uniformed post…regarding the job nature of a preventive officer, following link may help OTHERS

Preventive Officer dress code images
Preventive Officer dress code images

Income Tax


1. public dealing & regards
2. good promotion
3. opportunity to prove ur talent
4. good pay & other benifits
5. good workplace and environment

1. vulnerable post involving risks of making enemies
2. post is under strict vigilance by cvc
3. lots of departmental jealousy over coveted postings
4. departmental complains from collegues and public
5. too much hardwork & treachery to remain in importance

not every income tax inspector becomes asst. commissioner in 14-15 years…as far as i know it varies from zone to zone…the bottom line is income tax inspector comes under CBDT which is more sensitive towards its employees when it comes to promotions and perks….where as preventive officers, excise inspector and examiners come under CBEC which is a bit callous and at times lax in its human resource policies…

es for preventive officers posting will be on 6 zones…but in eforcemnt directorate…..the deputation posts are open to experienced people with good record …these people can be excise inspectors, examiners, preventive officers, income tax inspectors..and even equivalent rank officers from paramilitary forces and state police forces..and yes deputation pe jaane waalo ko wapas apne parent cadre mein jaana padta hai…after 3, 5 or 7 years…

Excise & Customs

CE (excise & ST)- have some control over the production, money making capacity of community industrialist, business men, etc. your area of working is defined… u have certain number of factory units or business entities under you…

CE (customs)- for those wanting an adventrous jobs, area of work is very broadly defined…. in special cases you can also go out of your area also to nab a culprit…. which gives u some more power than CE excise, ST or an ITI…. its a kind of job of both collecting intelligence as well as preventions… be prepared to work day and night, far away from your home…. manytimes… sourrounded with unknown may be some dangerous people.. sometimes


CE excise & ST is rather cool jobs…. sometimes their are raids etc but not so adventrous or risky….
CE customs allways surrounded by enemies…. on one direction there are smuglers/culprits and on the other hand are unsatisfied collegues trying to ruin your hardwork by intruding into your informations, network and assignments….

Service Tax & comparison

By ST here I mean Service Tax…. it is levied on the business entities which provides services like coaching institutes, security services etc…
where as Sales tax is the tax which is levied on the goods, when they are sold in the market, for ex. a toothbrush when it is sold by a shopkeeper. Every shop keeper (a registered firm) is registred with the local sales tax office and pays taxes on the total sales he makes during the year …. Excise tax is the tax levied on the production of the goods, every factory pays tax on the production of every unit of goods produced in it during a year….. Custom tax is levied on goods when they are exported or imported….

Sales tax is the department created by the state governments…. its officials are recruited through state public service commissions and being paid by the state funds….. therefore Sales Tax department allways have interference and nuicances from local politics and local politicians (though such things affects high ranking officials only) …. which is never present in Central excise and Income tax departments (thanksgoodness)… A sales tax inspector has to keep an eye on the sales of the locally registered business firms … like readymade garments shops, big grocery stores, furniture houses, etc and sales of the sellers of all the goods which comes under sales tax net….

sales tax inspectors task is mostly official, field work is only limited to the city they are posted in…. since it is a state department, so transfer outside your repective state is not possible… the job has public dealing…. pay scale is good but as the department is run by state govs… in state like UP, bihar some times the pay gets delayed for months….. but sarkar ke yahan der hai par andher nahin…

well …. tell me if i m missed any point to unfold…

Preventive Officer profile


Another important aspect of preventive work is collection of customs duty.This duty is leviable on goods of foreign origin brought by passengers arriving from foreign countries at the point of arrival, namely, air ports, sea ports and land routes.The customs Preventive Officer who is the third official a traveler/tourist upon arrival in India would meet – after the health and immigration officials – is the proper officer for collection of customs duty on baggage and can be identified by his white uniform, shoulder epaulettes with three faceted lion insignia in the center and twin stripes and white peak cap with customs logo in front.The Preventive Officer is variously described as the country’s Ambassador of Goodwill and sentinel who guard the country’s economic frontiers


The third most important aspect of preventive work is auction and disposal of confiscated goods, which is a major source of Government revenue.
All confiscated item (from air port, docks or town seizures) are stored in Customs Warehouse. On disposal orders being issued and if item are retail in nature then they are sold through retail shop and commercial bulk items are sold through mode of open Auction. Presently, Auction is being held once in a month and dates are published in any one national English daily and one vernacular daily. Persons interested in bidding and inspection of goods can contact Superintendent (Disposal) on all working days. The successful bidder has to deposit EMD @ 25% of bid amount at the fall of hammer. The balance is to be paid within 6days failing which EMD will be forfeited. Items brought for auction include foreign & Indian motor vehicles, bulk drugs, chemicals, machinery, computer parts, ball bearings, textiles etc., nowadays even primary gold and silver is being sold by disposal unit. The rates are fixed by Bombay Bullion auction market on daily basis. Anyone can purchase gold [minimum 1 kg and maximum 5 kgs] or silver [maximum 500 Kgs] on production of Income tax PAN No.. A discount of 1% to Bombay price is given. Sales Tax is extra.


Apart from the above aspects of Preventive work, a preventive officer also acts as a facilitator of trade and commerce and tourism.

Facilitator of Trade and Maritime

Through the Bond section, Container Freight Stations, MEPZ and 100% EOUs, the Preventive Officer’s service to trade like manufacturers, exporters and importers of Chennai is invaluable.

Through the General Preventive Section different facilities are extended to maritime and shipping:

Conversion/Reversion Of Coastal/Foreign Going Vessels

When a vessel coming from foreign port has to be converted to coastal run, the owners/Steamer Agents have to approach the Asst. Commissioner of Customs, Preventive General with a requisition letter for deputing a Preventive Officer along with letter of undertaking for producing the customs duty paid receipt within 7 days from the date of conversion and Annexure-B (Undertaking that the private properties of crew/officer of the vessel reverted to coastal run cannot be landed without Customs Clearance) for safeguarding the revenue in respect of crew baggage clearance

On receipt of such request, the Section Superintendent will be directed to depute the Section Officer at Docks to take inventory of ship’s stores, bonded stores, bunkers, etc and the Master of such vessel has to give estimate quantity of such consumables during coastal run to the Section Officer.Thereafter the Owners/Steamer Agents have to file a Bill of Entry in the Import Department within 7 days from the date of conversion and the same has to be assessed within 5 days and a demand letter will be issued to the Owners/Steamer Agents who will have to pay the duty within 5 days from the date of receipt of such demand letter.In respect of reversion of the vessel from coastal run to foreign run, the Owners/Steamer Agents have to approach the Asst. Commissioner of Customs, Preventive General with a requisition letter for deputing a Preventive Officer to take inventory of ship’s stores, bonded stores, bunkers etc. along with customs duty paid receipt and copy of stores list/inventory taken at the time of conversion

On receipt of such request, Docks Superintendent will be directed to depute Section Officer who will follow the above procedure mutatis mutandis for taking inventory of goods against which duty has been paid so that any duty paid goods were found, the Steamer Agents/Owners can file refund for such goods.


Under Pink Pass procedures, ship’s articles can be removed into town for the purpose of repair without payment of duty subject to fulfillment of following conditions:-

             1)The firms and merchants of repute who have a permanent deposit in the Custom House as security for payment and who have executed a standing guarantee/bond in the prescribed form.
2)Other firms and merchants who execute a separate guarantee/bond in the prescribed form
3)The local Steamer Agents who are allowed to remove gear and equipment for repairs without payment of duty from vessels under their agency through their authorised firms have also to execute a guarantee bond in the prescribed form.

The prescribed forms can be had from the Preventive General Unit at III floor of Custom House.
The amount of the permanent deposit shall be fixed by the Asst. Commissioner with due regard to the extent and value of the transactions of each firm or merchant and shall be liable to be increased or decreased in proportion to any corresponding variation in the volume of such transaction.
New firms on long term basis will be entertained only when the firm concerned has worked for atleast six months under the individual Guarantee system and the bonafides of the firm do not come under question during the probation period. Besides, the concerned firm has to furnish a statement of its financial position, Income-tax certificate and regular orders from atleast two major shipping companies

After fulfilment of the above conditions, the firm will be permitted to handle ship`s goods for repair and the goods so removed for repair will have to be placed on board within one month from the date of removal.


The Steamer Agents may pass out linen of vessels in port for washing on execution of a general guarantee valid for the duty and fine/penalty involved on the linen.The guarantee to be registered in the Preventive Department shall be renewed every year in January if the Steamer Agents desire that the concession should be continued

Linen of vessels in port will be passed out on a Pass in triplicate which will be presented to the Preventive Officer at the Gate or to the Section Officer at such ports when gates are not manned by Preventive Officers, who will retain the original copy.The duplicate and triplicate copies will accompany the linen passed out.

The ship’s linen after washing should be placed on board the vessel before leaving port.


Container of durable nature are allowed by the Shipping Agents to be imported into the Country, free of duty subject to the condition that the container, so, imported are to be re-exported within 180 days from the date of import after executing necessary Bond.Condonation of 3 months is done by Asst. Commissioner and 6 months at once by the Commissioner for non-re-export of the Container.If the container not-re-exported within the permissible period, duty at the prevailing rate has to be paid.


Facilities such as The ATA Carnet are extended to tourists who wish to tour the country in their own vehicles

Under Carnet De Passage, foreign tourists are allowed to import any vehicle into India free of duty, subject to the condition that such vehicle shall be re-exported out of India within the validity period of Carnet.

The procedure for import is that Form X in duplicate should be filed with the Import Department for manifestation and after manifest, the same should be produced along with original Carnet De Passage and Xerox copy of the passport of the carnet holder.After the above procedure is complied with by the tourist, a Preventive Officer and an Intelligence Officer will be deputed to examine the vehicle at Port Trust/ any CFS where the subject vehicle has been moved and if nothing objectionable found, the relevant entries will be made in the passport of the carnet holder and Carnet De Passage for such import and passed out of customs charge will be issued.

Similarly, at the time of re-export of such vehicle, the tourist has to file Shipping Bill at the exit port along with the Carnet De Passage with the Export Department.After assessment of the same, a Preventive Officer and an Intelligence Officer will be deputed to examine the vehicle and if nothing objectionable found, let export order will be issued by the Preventive Superintendent and entries made at the time of import in the passport of the carnet holder will be cancelled so that the carnet holder can leave the country.

For any help, Preventive General Unit at Custom House can be contacted either in person or at Telephone No.5221918 extn. 4261/4206/4389

For Auditor

Posting will will according to ur state preference (depending on merit)
through ssc one can become auditor in two depts, cgda & c&ag
cgda deals with audit works of defence forces
c&ag is central audit dept dealing with state govt audits

and no interviews, no physicals ,selection is just through written marks

cAG has offices in all states as well as delhi… Da comes under cag so it also has posting in delhi… For salary da salary is 27k in hand and auditor salary 21k in hand. Auditors are there in three departments cag cgda(defence) nd cga(min. O finance) all have same pay. Da is only in cag… Salary of da is less than it inspector

Salary Calculator

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Different tests for different profile

CSS……interview + skill test (or computer proficiency test)
Assistant other than css…….interview
others like MEA,postal……….interview

CBI…..interview + physical  (in CBI no physical, you have to only satisfy their medical standard…for the medical standards, please see the cbi website or ssc notification..)

IT and central excise……..interview
customs or PO………..interview + physical (Physical is for both excise inspector and preventive officer)
divisional accountant……..interview
auditor……………….no interview
tax assistant……… interview but there is a typing test

UDC ……………typing test……. and
Tax Assistant …… DEST (Data Entry Skill Test) 2000 Key depression for 15 mins…

Excise Inspector

The functions of customs and Central excise department falls under two categories

–Prevention of evasion of customs and excise duties. The custom officials work at airports, seaports and dockyards checking incoming/outgoing people/ships/cargo for compliance to import/export licencing procedures. The work involves physical examination of air crafts, ships, cargo, vehicles and frisking of passengers etc. for detecting concealment of goods and duty evasion. Excise officials similarly monitor compliance in the trade, movement, marketing of goods on which excise is levied.

— Evaluation of goods and collection of duties accruing to the government.

Both the prevention and appraisal wings of the customs and Central excise department function under an office of the rank of assistant commissioner.


css: files files and files and then more files..but 3 hrs of work daily..from answering stupid RTI of people to Cabinet note making to answering parliament questions to working on daily receipts..its like u given the project ..and u made the dealing hand..nw report the problem in short abt the project and tell ur recommendations wat can be done..if ur seniors like they will accept it or else they will tell their own decisions etc..this is css work..
ITI and excise: pressure more than css..but then u earn more 2 provided u knw ur job , ur duties well..promotions best IN fame everythng u get..but css is for people who are satisfied with life..i mean who want to enjoy life, their family with whatever money they have, mind u 40000 is no less u gys can choose accordingly..css wont give u power but mental peace with adequate money which i wanted..which made me choose it..over my mnc job..especially for those living in Delhi..u dnt have to move from delhi ever..



Assistant gets promotion to the post of section officer,that too after qualifying 6 papers in an exam conducted by upsc,den undersecretary,then deputy secretary and they retire after it,lucky guys go to joint secy

assistant other than css is nt all delhi may be lucknow 2..or some other state..css is all delhi..

the probs with ass other than css is that promotions are pretty slow when departmental exam is there , only 12-14 vacancies for SO are there..but in CSS ul see 300-400 vacancies.

State excise inspector work criteria

The Excise Revenue is primarily derived from the duties and various types of fees [licence, permit, privilege, transport, export etc.] on Indian-made Foreign Liquors, Country Liquor, Distillery Spirit, Toddy, Neera, Intoxicating Drugs, Opium, Medicinal Preparations containing Alcohol or Narcotic Drugs, Toilet Preparations containing Alcohol etc. Excise Revenue is also derived from miscellaneous sources viz. fines, forfeitures etc.

Central excise inspector work criteria 

Central Excise duty is payable on all goods (excluding goods manufactured in special economic zones) which are produced or manufactured in India at rates specified in the Central Excise Tariff. Under the present assessment scheme, a manufacturer is required to assess himself the duty payable on the goods manufactured by him and deposit the same in authorized Banks. The details of goods manufactured exemption claimed, duty paid are required to be furnished in periodical returns such as ER-1 returns, submitted to the Department. These returns are required to be scrutinized and checked by the concerned Central Excise officers to verify that the correct amount of the tax has been paid.


Auditor is the best amongst all interview post. i have been working as a sr. auditor in dad deptt.(min. of defence) since 5 years. Auditors are recuited under cag and cgda deptt. most vacancies are in cgda. in cgda u will be appointed as an auditor in defence acctts. deptt.(dad deptt.) comes under min.of defence. initially u will get army/navy/airforce/ordnance factory command. u hace to do the mannual work like passin of bills,auditing pay bills of staffs,accounting the factory production in factory command. its a very good post. u have to work 8 hours(officially) but u can manage.saturday-sunday off days.u will get ample time to spent with ur family. if bachelor maximum time u can utilize for ur higher preperation.salary wise it is a very good post. initially u will get minimum 21 thousand in A class cities including Hra. u will get automatically promoted to sr. Auditor (grade pay 4200)in 3 years . u will get a chance to sit for depttmental sas exam for the ppst of AAO(Gazzetted post) after completion of 2 years.promotion wise its a good deptt. over all i have enjoyed thoroughly as an Auditor. so i will recommend each and every one(those who got selected in non interview post category) to give auditor as his first preference. so all the best guys…..

Assistant in MEA & assistant (Cypher) in MEA

Assistant and Assistant (Cypher) in MEA—most sought Assistant post under CGLE due to charm of foreign posting and many other lucrative facilities like children’s education, accommodation etc and a very handsome salary of more than 1 lakh per month (perhaps upto Rs 1,25,000). But one can be posted in countries like Afganistan, Pakistan, Irak, Libya too. Cyphor Asst. is little different from Asst. (general) because they have to do the task of coding and decoding in addition of some highly confidential language. Cypher Asst got more foreign posting than general Asst but the promotional avenues are better in General Asst. Overall in MEA, the promotional chances is very less and one can go up to the level of US. one can get his first promotion after about 15-17years if he will not clear departmental examination and after clearing departmental examination, it will take around 8 odd years.

An Assistant (General)

An Assistant (General) is supposed to be posted generally 3 years in India and 3 years in foreign; and like this throughout his tenure of service whereas an Assistant (Cypher) is posted 3 years in India and 6 years in foreign; and like this

Assistant in Railways

assistant in railways: gud job ,ul get 1 pass for family ( to and fro) anywhere in India free and 3 passes for family (to and fro) in which u pay 1/3rd of amount..all this for tier 2 AC ticket..then railway has its own railway homes all over India u can stay there at a very cheap rate..if u using railway passes..
The prob is in CSS ul be entitled for plane tickets as u become under secretary..but in railways AC tier 1 plane tickets..then CSS offers u wide variety of postings in different departments..but in railways , only 1 department..
ailway tickets passes which I mentioned are every year..after 3 yrs oif service , ul get 3 free passes every year to any part of India with family ,where u can use railway homes..but I think railway homes can be used only once u become Gaztd..(im nt sure on this)..

railways ki posting lucknow bhi ho sakti hai..CSS is all Delhi..and always delhi..

Then total gross salary of CSS is: 32 in hand+ 5500 pf+ LTC+ medical(CGHS)+ training tours( i m serious ,govt spend atleast 50,000 on each of us for these 2 trips i talked about)

Assistant in MEA

MEA has probs in postings and then govt gives u nt much amount in dollars to spend outside..even if they give 1500$ per month in a foreign nation ,they are nothing when u go to a foreign country..moreover postings are also at odd places..and Cypher has night shifts 2..and its like u have to work for 6 days and then 2 days off. and 2 days will be nite no sat sun like system..

so i believe css assistant is the best if u want assistant..moreover css added benefits are: ul go to 2 fully paid trips during training all at govt expense..mind u govt provides 3 star-4 star hotels when we went to (Chennai and pondicherry) and Nanital for trips..then at each level of training , ul get these paid trips..from assistant to SO,from SO to US,and from US to DS, the trip is to a foreign country free paid by govt..and as the news now is hot that u can become SO in 3 yrs , i think u can go for CSS assistant..baki Inspectors is always gud as compared to wise u knw wat im talking abt..but in assistants , CSS is the best..

 in css when u have limited departmental for SO , u have vacancies like 200 , 250 other places like MEA or railways ul have 5 ,10 promotions are faster in CSS..

.css offers u wider variety of postings like LAW,consumer affairs, home,finance,education ,civil aviation..sao ur scope of work and knwldge is huge.

Divisional  Accountant

Div accountant have i think direct engagements with they earn.

Divisional Accountant works in Public works departments offices(PWDs) which is a state govt office. Though his payroll comes from State govt, he is always a central govt employee. PWDs need not necessarily be in cities, so you might get posted to any district in a state. Once you join as Div Accountant in a state, there is no chance of moving outside the state.

Regarding the work, he basically acts as an auditor for all expenses and receipts that go through the PWD, meaning he has to sign off each and every voucher. Since he is Central govt representative in state dept he enjoys great power and respect in the office and works independently, doesn’t need to report to anyone but himself

In hand salary calculation:

Scale starting( 5200 or 9300)*1.86+ grade pay(4600 or 2800) etc..=ur basic salary
add 58% of basic salary to first equation
then Add 30% of basic as HRA to this.
then add 1600* 1.58 =TA
subtract (10% of (basic + DA) as PF)..same amount govt adds to ur PF and pays 9% interest on ur PF
subtract Rs 325 as CGHS..and 60 for all can knw wat psots they are getting and their in hand salary

yr ek mistake ho gayi isme..for 9300 scale basic is 17140 total..
and for for 5200 its i think 4500*1.86(il connfirm u this nt sure of group B)..A ke liye basic is 17140

Basic Pay + 58% of basic as DA+ 30% of Basic as HRA+ 1600+ 58% of 1600 as TA – 10% of (Basic+DA) as NPS deduction – 325 for CGHS – 60 for Group Insurance = Total in hand salary


17140 for grade pay 4600
13500 for grade pay 4200

Rest is correct but for Basic see this and calculate

d) Grade Pay: 2400

Pay in Pay Band: Rs 7510

Basic Pay: Rs 9910

e) Grade Pay: 2800

Pay in Pay Band: Rs 8560

Basic Pay: Rs 11360

1. Pay Band – 2

Pay Scale Rs 9300 – 34800

a) Grade Pay: 4200

Pay in Pay Band: Rs 9300

Basic Pay: Rs 13500

b) Grade Pay: 4600

Pay in Pay Band: Rs 12540

Basic Pay: Rs 17140

Tax Assistant in CBDT
Well, a TA is in the pay-band 5200-20800 with grade pay of Rs 2400. Tax Assistant in CBDT could be posted at two levels———–either in assessment of tax or in non-assessment. When he is allotted in assessment he is supposed to do the work related to assessment of the income tax of an individual or a partnership firm or a company or as the case maybe; and he is to feed that data in the computer. He could also be asked to do any clerical work like work related to DIARY AND DISPATCH, noting, drafting etc. He could also be asked to accompany the RAID team. When he is posted at a seat that belongs to non-assessment he is supposed to do only clerical work. A TA in CBDT is given a MTNL SIM on which all calls whether local or STD on any phone of BSNL or MTNL are totally free. On phones of other companies he can make free calls upto 400 minutes a month; whether local or STD.

inspector preventive(custom) can be posted either at airport or ship port depend what place you get i.e. in banglore, bhopal, delhi hyderbad, etc there are only airport and in mumbai, chennai, vizag, kochi, tutikorin, are coastal area…as well as airport…so it depends what place does u get.. In airport, there is no preventive officer. Examiner is in both type of ports.

Gross salary for diff. pay bands-

5200-20200(grade pay 2400)-Gross sal: 22246
5200-20200(grade pay 2800), Gross sal: 25088
9300-34800(grade pay 4200), Gross sal: 31648
9300-34800(grade pay 4600), gross sal: 42381

further deductions such as PF, CGHS nd Income tax applicable…

PAY BAND 5200-20200 PB-1
1800 5200 7000
1900 5830 7730
2000 6460 8460
2400 7510 9910
2800 8560 11360

PAY BAND 5200-20200 PB-1
1800 5200 7000
1900 5830 7730
2000 6460 8460
2400 7510 9910
2800 8560 11360

PAY BAND 9300-34800 PB-2
4200 9300 13500
4600 12540 17140
4800 13350 18150

Basic Pay + 58% of basic as DA+ 30% of Basic as HRA+ 1600+ 58% of 1600 as TA
-{10% of (Basic+DA) as NPS deduction + 325 for CGHS + 60 for Group Insurance} = Total in hand salary

Means for Assistant (CSS)/Assistant in other Central Govt. Ministries/Departments/CVC etc/Inspector, Central Excise/Preventive Officer/Examiner/Inspector of Income Tax/Assistant Enforcement Officer
as 17140+58%of 17140+ 30% of 17140+ 1600+ 58%of 1600 =17140+9941+5142=32223/-
deduction= 10% of (17140+9941)+325+60=3093
Salary in hand = 32223-3093=29130 /-

means for Inspector of Posts/CBI Sub Inspectors/Divisional Accountant/statistical investigator
as 13500 + 58% of 13500 + 30% of 13500 + 1600 + 58% of 1600 = 13500+7830+4050+1600+928=27908 /-
deduction = 10% of (13500+7830) +325+60 = 2133+325+60 = 2518
total in hand salary = 27908 – 2518 = 25930 /- 

means for auditor/jr accountant 
as 11360 + 58% of 11360 + 30% of 11360 + 1600+ 58% of 1600 = 11360+6589+3408+1600+928=23885 /-
& deduction = 10 % of 17949 + 325 + 60 = 2180
total in hand salary = 21705 /-

for tax asst / udc / compiler 
as 9910 +5748+2973+1600+928=21159 /- & deduction = 1566+325+60=1950
total in hand salary = 21159-1950 = 19209/-

the pay of 42381 is an increment of basic pay for 5 years at the rate of 3% pa …so wat i want to say is a fresher in grade pay of 4600 will get (basicpay+ grade pay +da(58% from july 2011)+hra(30% in metros) +ta) i.e. (17140+4600+9940+5140+252 =34750 and after that deduction of 3093 i.e. 34750-3090=31660 in hand…after it allowances of atleast 4000-5000 is also permissable..

 Examiner is the best post of cgl, after it aeo. I think last year topper gaurab dixit will go for examiner this time. Huge income plus independent charge power.

Which department is better for Auditor ? CAG or CGDA?
1. Auditor in CAG is a good post, and u may very well get ur home town with such high marks. but the job requires u to travel quite a lot.

CGDA comes under defence ministry

What do u mean by Defense area.

Now you can see below where the offices of CGDA are located.

Principal Controller of Defence Accounts(Officers),Pune
Principal Controller of Defence Accounts(Navy),Mumbai
Principal Controller of Defence Accounts(WC),Chandigarh
Principal Controller of Defence Accounts(CC),Lucknow
Principal Controller of Defence Accounts(NC),Jammu
Principal Controller of Defence Accounts(SC), Pune
Principal Controller of Defence Accounts, New Delhi
Principal Controller of Defence Accounts(Pensions), Allahabad
Principal Controller of Accounts(Fys),Kolkata
Principal Controller of Defence Accounts, Bangalore
Principal Controller of Defence Accounts(SWC),Jaipur
Principal Controller of Defence Accounts(Border Roads),New Delhi
Controller of Defence Accounts(Army), Meerut
Controller of Defence Accounts(PD), Meerut – [Under Construction]
Controller of Defence Accounts(Funds), Meerut
Controller of Defence Accounts, Patna
Controller of Defence Accounts, Jabalpur
Controller of Defence Accounts,Chennai
Controller of Defence Accounts(R&D), Hyderabad
Controller of Defence Accounts,Secunderabad
Controller of Defence Accounts,Guwahati
Controller of Defence Accounts(CSD),Mumbai
National Academy of Defence Financial Management, Pune

IFA (CC), Lucknow

The selected candidates for the post of Auditors were allocated departments
of C&AG and CGDA in round robin manner of first candidates going to C&AG,
second to CGDA, third to C&AG and so on, until the vacancies of the department
in the respective category are utilized. The rest of the candidates in that category
have been assigned the department with left over vacancies. The same criteria
have been used to allocate department of C&AG and CGA to the candidates 
selected for Jr. Accountants/Accountants.

TA ke baare mein jo kuch pata hain:

1. TAs are recruited in 2 departments: CBDT (Central Board of Direct Taxes) and CBEC (Central Board of Excise and Customs).

2. Promotion wise, CBDT is far better than CBEC. my frnds dad who works as Administrative Officer (HQ), CBEC and posted in Kolkata, took 13 years for his first promotion!!!

3. I dont know if there is any departmental exam in CBDT and CBEC (have to ask him) but after promotion u rise to inspector level, and then to officer level.

4. The inspector level is the same as the one ppl get through CGL. So joining as TA, u begin at one step lower.

5. Need to confirm abt departmental exams, uniforms after promotion, training and arms.

6. Both of these are transferable jobs. when u become a senior, u are automatically transfrred to ur home town for convenience. For example, the person i was talking about has been transferred to kolkata for his convenience, where his family resides.

A preventive officer may be assigned specific or general duties.In case of preventive officers for specific purpose,one may be appointed as fraud prevention officer.A general prevention officer may be assigned duties to prevent,fraud,theft,fire n all other illegal,unwanted actions to save the company/ corporation / organisation ,one serves from them.
In nut shell,these r the duties of a preventive officers.They r to prevent the happenings of undesirable things.

Other important points>>>>

  1. bhai log,
    1) for option form: if u fill online. no need to send by post, jst have a copy at interview, if u dont fill online thn u have to print a copy and send to reg office .
    2) Attestation form : download, fill and have in triplet at time of intru or skill test( all of us irrespective of grp A or B)
    3) Biodata: only for intru, fill it and have in a set of 5 copies, it sud be with u at intru .
    I think u don’t know the newly policy of govt. Mentioned by ssc chief in twitter that those obc,sc & st candidates who take age relaxation can’t not be enter in ur candidates in spite of scoring higher marks than general candidates. Don’t think about sc & st. It is not possible for sc & st candidates. Overall sc, st canddates can take 25-30 seats. I think so & it is matter. Best of luck
  2. WasimWasim @ sscchief sir i opt for only 3 states & i dont hv sufficient marks to get job in these states..which state will u provide me
    about 11 hours ago

Ssc chief@ WasimWasim no state. u will be considered in the post for which ur merit is sufficient for only states for which u opt
about 10 hours ago in reply to WasimWasim

This is sir’s tweet . Now its cofirmed that location will also be preferred equally as post. Enjoy

  • ssc will do state/zone allocation this year………sscchief has made this clr more than one time…….

    You will not be considered for the states for which u hv not shown ur preference……….


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