Nationalised Banks head quarter / Office, slogan, CMDs, CEO


Complete list of nationalized Banks with head quarters/ office, CMD / head officer and slogan of all public sector bank in India. Important PSU Bank list for ibps bank exam / interviews. Questions on Bank CMD /CEO / Head officer, bank slogan, bank head quarter or head offices are very common in IBPS Clerk, PO/MT exam as well as in interviews. So we prepared this list of Nationalised Banks : slogan head quarter/Office, CMDs, CEO, head officer  10/10/2017 for you. This will help you in your upcoming examinations of IBPS clerk, PO/MT or other bank related examinations.

Central Bank slogan head quarter/Office, CMDs, CEO  ( as on 10 Oct 2017) BANK Governor Head office Tag line
1 Reserve Bank of India Dr. Urjit R. Patel Mumbai India’s Central Bank


 Public Sector Bank : slogan head quarter/Office, CMDs,CEO ( as on 10 Oct 2017) Bank Name Head Head Office Tag line / Slogan
1. Allahabad bank Smt. Usha Ananthasubramanian Kolkata A Tradition of Trust
2. Andhra Bank Shri Suresh N Patel Hyderabad Where India Banks
3. Bank of Baroda Sh. P.S. Jayakumar Baroda

Mumbai (corporate center)

India’s International Bank
4. Bank of India Shri Dinabandhu Mohapatra Mumbai Relationship Beyond Banking
5. Bank of Maharashtra Sh. Ravinder Prabhakar Marathe Pune One Family, One Bank
6. Canara Bank Sh. Rakesh Sharma Bangaluru Together We Can
7. Central bank of India Sh. Rajeev Rishi Mumbai Central to you since 1911
8. Corporation Bank Shri. Jai Kumar Garg Mangalore A Premier Public Sector Bank
9. Dena Bank Sh. Ashwani Kumar Mumbai Trusted family Bank
10. Indian Bank Mr. Kishor Kharat Chennai Your Tech-friendly Bank
11. Indian overseas Bank Shri. R. Subramaniakumar Chennai Good People to Grow With
12. Oriental Bank Of commerce Sh. Mukesh Kumar Jain New Delhi Where Every Individual is Committed
13.` Punjab & Sindh Bank Sh. Jatinder Bir Singh New Delhi Where Service is a Way of Life
14 Punjab National  Bank Sh Sunil Mehta New Delhi The Name you can Bank upon
15 Syndicate Bank Mr Melwyn Rego Manipal Faithful Friendly
16 UCO Bank Shri Ravi Krishan Takkar Kolkata Honours Your Trust
17 Union Bank of India Shri Rajkiran Rai G. Mumbai Good people to bank with
18 United bank of India Shri Pawan Kumar Bajaj Kolkata The Bank that begins with ‘U’
19 Vijya Bank Sh. Kishor Kumar sansi Bangaluru A friend you can bank on
20 IDBI Bank Mr. Mahesh Kumar Jain Mumbai Banking For All, “Aao Sochein Bada”
21 State Bank of India Mr. Rajnish Kumar Mumbai The Banker to Every Indian
22 Bhartiya Mahila Bank Vacant (Smt. S M Swathi – Executive Director) New Delhi Empowering women, Empowering India

There are all public sector bank details that may be asked in any interview and exam. Here we are also providing some suggestions to remember the head offices and tag lines.

  • Try to learn head offices state wise first, means learn states and then learn banks according to states because an individual state has more than one head office like Mumbai.
  • Relate tag lines with your personal life or public life, it may help to remember you taglines bank by bank.

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