IBPS RRB 2015 Time Management tips and tricks to score 130+


Aspirant are asking about IBPS RRB 2015 Time Management tips and tricks to score 130+ easily. This time IBPS RRB PO (Officer Scale) exam’s level is little bit up from the previous exam and IBPS also reduced the allowed time to 2 hour, so all candidates are worried to score above 120 and they are thinking that 130+ is a safe score for interview call. So guys as per the experience of the candidates who attempted the previous week IBPS RRB 2105 PO/Office scale exam, we here here giving “IBPS RRB 2015 Time Management tips and tricks to score 130+“. Let’s start

First start with the scoring subjects and these are Hindi / English, Computer and General awareness. In these three section we would like to advise you that to finish these sections first and read all the 120 questions but give answer to the 100% sure correct answers and leave the other if you have doubt in that. To attempt 120 question a normal candidate can take about 40-50 minutes. But you can also save time if you are fast.

Now come to the reasoning section, This year the reasoning level is some how same as the IBPS PO exam. So you have to prepare according to that. In this section may be you will get 2-3 seating arrangement questions and 1 puzzle (Around 15-20 marks). But it is very tough to solve these questions during exam. So leave these questions for the last time and solve others. Means you can start with inequality, Syllogism, coding decoding, Blood relation and some other easy topics. Give at least 30 Minutes to reasoning section and maximum 38 Minutes.

Now come to the aptitude section and this is the most difficult section of this IBPS RRB 2015 PO exam as 3-4 DI of 20 questions (approx) are coming in the examination. Most of candidate feel DI as a tough portion of aptitude section because it take lots of time. So here we would like to advise you to first start with inequality (quadratic equation) then number system and the language questions. These section will cover about 20 questions. Now if you have time then first take an quick overview of all the DI and start with easiest question. If any time you think that you are about to lost in the question then immediately leave it and move to the next. Give at least 30 minutes and maximum 40 minutes to the Aptitude section.

S.No. Subject Time ( min) Questions to attempt (Min)
1. Computer 10 – 12 40 (Read all but answer only correct)
2. General Awareness 16 – 18 40 (Read all but answer only correct)
3. Hindi / English 18 – 20 40 (Read all but answer only correct)
4. Reasoning 38 – 35 20-25
5. Aptitude 38 – 35 18-23
  Total 2 Hour  

This is the time breakup for candidates who want to set their mind before the examination. But still we advise to read all the questions from Computer, General awareness and Hindi / English and try to attempt easy part in the aptitude and reasoning.

You can also Buy : Computer Capsule <– Click here, to Improve your Computer Awareness.

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