SBI PO prelims time management tips & tricks to clear easily with cut off prediction

We wrote this article in 2015 and many candidates got success with this time management. We edited some points and added some fresh tips for you by which your can easily crack SBI PO Prelims examination.


Looking for SBI PO prelims time management ideas, tips & tricks to clear easily or in first attempt? Or SBI PO mock test to check the preparation level?  Or expected cut off for SBI PO pre 2015  2016. Then these tips and tricks with time management for SBI PO prelims will help you lot. Let’s discuss step by step:

SBI PO prelims paper pattern:

As per the new guideline of State bank of India, the SBI PO prelims paper pattern includes three subjects: Aptitude, Reasoning and English. All these three are very easy to clear if you know the tricks to solve questions. In the SBI PO Pre 2016, 35 questions will be from aptitude, 35 from reasoning and 30 questions from English. Each Question will carry 1 mark for correct answer and 0.25 negative mark for wrong answer. 0 Mark for non attempted questions.

Time management tips for SBI PO Prelims 2016

The SBI PO prelims 2016 contain 100 questions with time limit of 1 hour. In this 1 hour candidates have to attempt maximum number of questions. So to clear SBI PO prelims it is very important to clear the cutoff of all subjects. For this you can follow this time management in your examination

S.No. Subject Time Total No of Questions Expected Questions to Clear Prelims (SC-OBC-Gen)
1. English 18 minutes 30 06-08-10
2. Aptitude 20 minutes 35 12-16-19
3. Reasoning 22 minutes 35 12-16-20
Total 60 minutes             100

We advise to start with the subject in which you feel that you are strong enough. But don’t give too much time to that particular section. Divide your time and start attempting questions whenever your test starts.

Expected Cutoff to clear SBI PO Prelims category wise

As you have seen from the previous examination of SBI PO, the cutoff of every subject was lower as compare to IBPS. Because the level of questions asked in the SBI PO examination was very tough. If this time SBI will also give same difficulty level questions then the expected cutoff for SBI PO Prelims 2016 category wise may be:

S.No. Subject General OBC SC/ST
1. English 7-10 6-9 5-8
2. Aptitude 13-15 10-13 7-9
3. Reasoning 13-15 11-13 7-9

Note: For SBI PO Mains a candidate must have to qualify the subject wise cut off as well as overall cut off. The overall cut off always greater than the sum of subject wise cut off.

Expected Overall Cutoff to clear SBI PO Prelims 2016

Category SC/ST OBC Geenral
Expected Overall Cut off 32-34 37-40 38-42

Read —–> How to Crack SBI PO Pre

Tips & tricks to Crack SBI PO Prelims 2016

Above we discussed about the paper pattern of SBI PO prelims, Time management and expected cutoff for SBI PO prelims 2016. Now you have to remember some important tips before and during examination:

Tips to prepare for SBI PO prelims before exam:

It’s very necessary to do smart work instead of hard work. So these tips will help you to clear you sbi po prelims easily

(1)  Study Regularly
(2) Try to search and implement short tricks for aptitude and reasoning
(3) Don’t waste time in useless discussion
(4) Don’t try to touch the topics that are beyond your level because the time for examination is very less.
(5) Stop wasting time in movies, serials and talking over phone (with GF/BF too)
(6) Keep yourself healthy with Yoga and exercise: Every single day is useful for you.
(7) Attempt Mock Test after every Topic —> Topic wise Mock test

(8) Attempt Paid or free Mock test for SBI PO Prelims: Try our free SBI PO Pre Test series

Tips for SBI PO Prelims in examination hall:

(1)Don’t listen what people are talking about their past experience, because some people intestinally create the negative thinking in others mind.

(2) Use good quality pen to solve questions.

(3)Don’t waste too much time on a single question: If you are not getting answer then leave it.

(4)Be precise with your watch or your system clock. Every single minute is important.

(5)Don’t try to answer the questions about which you have no idea at all because the cutoff may not go higher.

All the very best for your upcoming exam 🙂

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