The Hindu Monthly current affairs April 2015 pdf is available for free download. We created The Hindu monthly review pdf for April 2015 from our Weekly current affairs section. This current affairs is useful for the candidates who are going for the SBI associate Clerk interview very much. The State bank of India is conducting the interview for the associate bank in the month of May and it is stating on 14th May.
Apart from SBI Associate Clerk interviews, this current affairs is useful for the upcoming SBI PO, IBPS Clerk / PO and SSC CGL 2015 examinations. Now a days maximum govt competitions ask questions from the current affairs. So if you are preparing for them then this The Hindu Monthly current affairs April 2015 pdf, will be very useful for you.
The Hindu Monthly current affairs April 2015 pdf is divided in Following sections :
Abbreviation : These abbreviation came in the April month and somehow useful from exam point of view. So this is our first section in The Hindu Monthly current affairs April 2015 pdf.
Personalities: Many questions were asked from the important or highlighted personalities in the previous examinations . So we collected these personalities with their designation.
Sports: Sport is always very important section in the current affairs. Every exam asked few questions from the sports section. So we included the sports and event of April month.
Books and Author : Famous Books and their author that are useful from exam point of view.
Business & Economy : News from the Business and Economy sections.
National & International days : This is also a very important section from the exam point of view. Many competitions ask the date of particular event or day .
Awards : Awards presented or announced in the Month of April.
News : National and International news
Deaths: Death of famous persons.
The Hindu Monthly current affairs April 2015 pdf made up from all these sections. The most important thing is that we are providing all these point wise and that give a quick review of all month within one hour of study. Now you can download and share this The Hindu Monthly current affairs April 2015 pdf with needy candidates. The Hindu Review April 2015 pdf.