How to resize picture and signature for SBI, SSC, IBPS, GATE, IIT, UPPSC and other competitive examination to apply online is a very general question by candidates. Many people don’t know how to use PhotoShop because it’s much complex to resize and reduce the image size. Also, PhotoShop is not free software. As I saw If you goto the Cyber café and ask for the resize of image and signature, they will charge around 30-100 Rs. So now here I am telling you the very simple steps to resize picture and signature for SBI, SSC, IBPS, GATE, IIT to apply online.
Online picture editor
Open your browser and Goto the This is an online image editor tool with lots of Features. When you will open that online editor a screen will be open as shown below.

Now Click on the “Open Image” Button. When you click on the Open Image button this will open the location in your computer.
Choose the Picture for Resize :
Now you can navigate or go to the location on your computer where your Picture is saved. Just choose that picture by clicking on that. After that click on the open button. Here for the demo, I am using the picture of this boy

Now this image will open in the Online Picture editor. As shown in the image below

Crop your Image If Needed
May you have an image like above that is not a passport size picture. You can crop this picture using the Crop option in the adjustment menu. Let’s See how to do this.
Click on the Crop option in menu ” In the Left-Hand side” showing by step 1.
Now you can see the drag options to choose the visible area of the picture. You can adjust the visible area from these option at top-bottom, left-right as per the requirement. This is showing in step 2 by arrows.

Now click on the Apply button so that these changes can be stored. Now you will get the cropped picture.
Now re-size your image
Now 2nd thing is the preferred height and width of the image according to the examination. To adjust that click on the properties button shown in the left-hand side menu by the arrow 1. Click on that and you will see the new options shown in the sub menu.
Click on the arrow 2 “resize image’ button and you will see a new pop up with options to enter the size of the image:
First, disable the “Constrains proportion” because now you can enter the height and width manually. When you will click, the Proportions option will be switched off and you can easily enter the your desired width and height.
Now click on Apply button.

Now your image is resized and you can save it into your computer by clicking on the save option. The save option is in the lower left corner in your computer’s screen. When you will click on save a new window will appear as shown below

Now Enter the name that you want, As per my suggestion you can put a name like – ” Your Name – Exam name” for example I am Yuvayana and I resized this picture for SBI PO exam. Then you can save it as ” Yuvayana – SBI PO Picture”. This type of naming will help you to easily recognize the picture and you can use that image easily in future.
You can vary the quality of the image according to the size. In some examinations, you have to upload the minimum 10 KB and Maximum 40 KB size image. So from this option, you can vary the image size on disk 🙂
You can follow the same procedure for re-sizing the signature.
Hope this tutorial will be helpful for you. If you have any doubt then you can ask in comment.
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