How to solve direction sense problem easily: Questions on direction test are frequently asked in competitions like SSC, IBPS, SBI, GATE, CAT, Railways, Job interviews etc. If you are well aware with these type of direction test problem then you can easily get the answer but if you don’t know How to solve direction sense test problem then you might get stuck at these problem and may lost your precious time in the examination. So this is advisable to all candidates of competitions to practice these type of Direction test problem before going to examination.
How to solve direction sense problem easily
Here I am telling you the best and simple way to solve direction test problem very easily. To solve direction sense problem you must have a copy pen and scale because this is a drawing method . Let’s start with an example.
Example 1 : Ravi start with a point to the north and traveled 45 Km. Then he turned toward east and traveled 30 km. Then he turned and traveled 30 km toward south. He stopped again and went toward west 15 km. Then he started travelling and went in south 15 km. Calculate the distance from the starting point.
Explanation : Draw the Conventional direction of North Upward, South Downward, East Right hand side and west in left hand side. Now start step by step as show in figures.
Note : Before solving, read the question very carefully.
Scale: Take 10 Km as 1 Cm
Step 1 : Ravi Start from a point, name that point as P. He traveled 45 Km in north. Draw the line as shown in figure. Named that point as Q .
Step 2 : Now Ravi starts towards East and Traveled 30 Km. Draw the separate diagram for the next step and named the last point as R.
Step 3 : Now Ravi starts from R and traveled 30 Km towards south. Make a line from point R and name the end point as S.
Step 4 : Again Ravi Started from the S and traveled in direction of west. The west is a left hand side in the horizontal direction of paper. Draw a line and name the last point as T.
Step 5 : Ravi started towards south and traveled 15 KM from the point T. And he stopped at a point U. As per question this is the last point and we have to calculate the distance from that point to the start point.
Step 6: Now calculate the distance from the start point to end point.
Note : Adjust the scale according to the distance. If the distance given is large then choose the 10 Km to 1 cm.
Now you are thinking why I draw the final picture without any notification, and the answer is this is the shortest way to solve these problem. When you will do enough practice of Direction test problem then you don’t need to put points and distance during your examination. You have to just draw the lines and then you can find the answer very easily.
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This is the best way to solve the Direction test problem very easily. May be you have some other tricks to solve this type of questions. If you think you can solve this question easier than this method then comment your trick in comment box below. That may help other people too.
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